quick recovery post wisdom tooth extraction

6 tips for quick recovery post wisdom tooth extraction

One of the most popular dental surgery operations is wisdom tooth extraction. There are several reasons why dentists propose wisdom teeth removal to their patients. Infection, dental crowding, illness, and cavities are among them.

As a result, we’ve all heard horror stories about the excruciating recuperation time from friends or relatives. Today, we’ll put to rest whatever fears you may have had due to these stories and tall tales.


6 Wisdom Tooth Removal Recovery Tips


Indeed, wisdom teeth extraction recuperation is never easy. However, there are many things you can do to lessen post-surgery discomfort and speed up the healing process. Get Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in Jalandhar from Nuface, and follow these 6 tips for a quicker and less painful recovery following wisdom teeth extraction.


Gently bite down on a Gauze Pad:

To reduce the bleeding at the extraction site, your dentist may urge you to bite a gauze pad. This also helps blood clots develop in the gums. Blood clots are essential for your healing because they prevent exposed bone infection and incision infection.

But be careful not to reopen the wound by biting down too hard. You may also need to bite down on the pad for around five minutes to stop bleeding.


Use Ice:

Icing the jaw and cheek is a common pain management strategy for wisdom teeth removal. This also aids in the reduction of bruising and swelling that may occur as a result of your procedure.

For 15 to 20 minutes, place an ice pack on the extraction site’s side. Remove the ice pack and relax your face for 20 minutes before freezing it again. Do this as much as possible in the 36 to 48 hours following your surgery.


Follow the pain medication prescribed by your dentist:

Depending on your pain threshold, medications such as Advil may be sufficient for wisdom tooth removal pain alleviation. If not, follow your dentist’s instructions for more potent pain relievers.

Antibiotics may also be required to treat and prevent infections. Even if the swelling has subsided, you should continue to take the medication as directed. If you discontinue the therapy too soon, the germs in your mouth may grow resistant to the medicines.


Eat only soft foods:

A healthy diet is even more crucial after wisdom teeth removal. Nutrient-dense meals will assist in minimizing swelling and the risk of problems. These foods will also help your body repair its wounds faster.

Because you have a wound, you should eat soft, easy-to-chew meals. Blended soups, broths, mashed vegetables, and avocados are examples.


Rest as much as possible:

You can resume your normal activities after the procedure but ensure adequate rest. This will help your body recover faster. Additionally, make an effort to sleep for at least seven hours every night.

Sleeping enough, incredibly shortly after surgery, can help minimize swelling. This is because you are putting less strain on your heart, which causes your blood pressure to fall. This lower pressure reduces the stress on your blood vessels.

Research also found that getting enough sleep helps the body mend faster. It took only 4.2 days for injured individuals who regularly slept to recover entirely. Those who did not get enough sleep needed nearly a day longer to recuperate from their injuries.


Keep your mouth clean:

Brushing your teeth on the same night as your procedure may be permitted by your dentist. However, while brushing the area surrounding the extraction site, be extremely gentle. This will aid in keeping the blood clot in place.

The day following surgery, you may rinse your mouth. Instead of using commercial rinses, which might be overly harsh, use warm salt water. Do this at least five times each day, preferably after each meal.

As a bonus, here are some things to avoid following wisdom teeth removal.

We previously spoke about avoiding hard meals and scrubbing your teeth too vigorously. Smoking and consuming alcohol are also poor ideas. It hampers recovery and may be harmful when coupled with some pain drugs. You should also avoid using straws. The suction will force the blood clots from their sockets.

Even blowing your nose may be enough to remove the blood clots. For the first two weeks following recovery, try to merely wipe your nose or let it drain down your throat.

As you are aware, wisdom teeth removal recuperation does not have to be agonizing. However, it is possible. Please remember these after-wisdom-teeth-removal-tips for your own sake. Follow these instructions for a quick and healthy recovery.

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